Latest Church Bulletin
St. Catherine Orthodox Church
433 Liberty St.
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Schedule: Pastor:
Saturday: 6:30 PM—Vespers V. Rev. Dennis Buck
Sunday, 10 AM—Divine Liturgy 825 Harrington Rd.
11:30 AM—Church School Rockville, MD 20852
Confessions Saturday evening or by appointment h)301-424-7730; c) 202-878-2854
Festal: Tuesday, 10 AM—Divine Liturgy
Today is the 14th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 5. 1st Sunday of Luke. Today we commemorate the St. Kyriakos the Hermit, of Palestine..
TROPARIA (T. 5)--Let us, the Faithful, praise and worship the Word,/ co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit,/ born for our salvation from the Virgin;/ for He willed to be lifted upon the cross in the flesh/ to endure death/ and to raise the dead/ by His glorious Resurrection.
(St. Catherine, T. 5)—Let us sing the praise of the renowned Bride of Christ, Catherine, the divine protectress of Sinai, our help and our succor; for she has brilliantly silenced the refinements of the impious by the power of the Spirit; and since she has been crowned as a witnessof the Lord, she craves for all the great mercy.
(St. Kyriakos, T. 1)—Dweller of the desert and angel in the body,/ you were shown to be a wonder-worker, O our God-bearing Father Kyriakos./ You received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil and prayer,/ healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith./ Glory to Him Who gave you strength!/ Glory to Him Who granted you a crown!/ Glory to Him Who through you grants healing to all!
KONTAKIA, (T. 5)—Thou didst descend into hell, O my Savior,/ shattering its gates as Almighty,/ resurrecting the dead as Creator,/ and destroying the sting of death./ Thou hast delivered Adam from the curse, O Lover of man,/ and we all cry to Thee, “O Lord, save us!”
(St. Catherine, T. 2)—Let all of us who love to honor the martyrs/ form a great choir in praise of the most-wise Catherine;/ for she preached Christ and trampled the serpent,/ despising the knowledge of the orators.
Glory…(St. Kyriakos, T. 8)—The sacred Lavra honors you as a mighty champion and helper,/ and yearly celebrates your memory./ As you have boldness before the Lord, preserve us from our enemies/ so that we may sing, “Rejoice, thrice-blessed Father Kyriakos!”
Now and ever…(Theotokos, T. 6)—Steadfast Protectress of Christians, constant advocate before the Creator, do not despise the cries of us sinners; but in your goodness come speedily to help us who call on you in faith. Hasten to hear our petitions and to intercede for us, O Theotokos, for you always protect those who honor you.
PROKEIMENON, (T. 5, Ps. 11)—Thou, O Lord, shall protect us/ and preserve us from this generation forever.
ALLELUIA, (T. 5, Ps. 88)—I will sing of Thy mercies, O Lord, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim Thy truth from generation to generation.
KOINONIKON (Ps. 148)—Praise the Lord form the havens! Praise Him in the highest! Alleluia!
Monday, 9/30—Martyr Gregory, Bishop of Armenia, with Martyrs Rhipsime, Gaiana and their companions.
Gal. 2:11-16 Luke 6:24-30
Tuesday, 10/1—The Protection of the Theotokos. Apostle of the 70 Ananias. St. Romanos the Melodist. St. John Koukouzelis the Hymnographer of Mt. Athos.
At Vespers: Genesis 28:10-17; Ezekiel 43:27-44:4; Proverbs 9:1-11
Heb. 9:1-7 (Theotokos) Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
Gal. 2:21-3:7 Luke 6:37-45
Wednesday, 10/2—Martyrs Cyprian, Justina and Theoctistos of Nikomedia.
Gal. 3:15-22 Luke 6:46-7:1
Thursday, 10/3—Martyr Dionysios the Areopagite, Bishop of Athens.
Gal. 3:23-4:5 Luke 7:17-30
Friday, 10/4—Martyr Hierotheos, Bishop of Athens
Gal. 4:8-21 Luke 7:31-35
Saturday, 10/5—Martyr Charitina of Amisus. Sts. Peter, Alexis, Jonah, Philip and Hermogenes, Metropolitans of Moscow. Martyr Dionysios, Bishop of Alexandria.
I Cor. 4:17:5:5 Luke 5:27-32
Sunday, 10/6—15th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 6. St. Innocent of Alaska. Apostle Thomas.
Vespers: from Proverbs 10, 3, 8; from Wisdom 4, 5; from Proverbs 10 & Wisdom 6-9
II Cor. 4:6-15 Luke 7:11-16
Heb. 7:26-8:2 (St. Innocent) John 10:9-16
We welcome guests and visitors to St. Catherine’s this morning and we thank God that you ae able to be with us! Please join us in the parish hall following Liturgy and the Thanksgiving prayers for refreshments and fellowship, and please sign the guest book in the rear of church—please include your email address or other contact information and we’ll keep you informed on what is happening in our church. We pray God brings you to us again soon and often!
Church School has begun! Students and teachers should gather in the front of church at the end of Liturgy to venerate the Cross, and they’ll then be dismissed to their classrooms with their teachers while we do announcements. We also need substitute teachers; if you can help, see Fr. Dennis.
Today, the 5th Sunday of the month, is our “Speaker Sunday.” At the end of coffe hour, Tony Lemons wants to share some of his experiences at the Parish Development Forum held in Cleveland in July. There is also a program the Church is sponsoring in preparation for the triannual Council in 2025 which we can introduce today.. Next week, the first Sunday of the month, is our day for adult religious education in which we’ve been discussing the book Beginning to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom). We can finish that and perhaps continue on the program mentioned above.
Divine Liturgy will be offered Tuesday at 10 AM for the feast of the Protection of the Theotokos.
The new instruction class meets Saturday 10/5, at 4:30..
Copies of our newsletter, The Faithful Servant, are available on the candle stand in the rear of church.
Thanks to Koenigs for cleaning this week. Ghercius are up next week. Kate White reads today; Andrew Podolakis up next week. Fr. Dennis supplied prosphora today; Valentina Barbuta is up for next week. We are in need of volunteers, especially for church cleaning, and we’d like to start a rotation for coffee hour clean-up. Anyone who’d like to volunteer to serve in these task rotations, contact Fr. Dennis.
Last night we sang a panikhida for the 40 day memorial of Stafan Theodoru. Also among the departed, we pray for the repose of the soul of the mother of Liviu Achim, Ileana; Bishop Matthias of Chicago; our former catechumen, Lisa Thompson; Hope Ciobanita’s mother-in-law Catinca; Larisa Bulgakova’s son-in-law, Sergei; John Outen’s uncle Roy, his daughter’s father-in-law, Charles, and Thomas; Gabriella Fedeles-Muller’s brother-in-law, Gheorghi; Olga Tolskaya-Talbot’s mother, Ina; those who have perished in war, persecution and terrorism in the Middle East, Ukraine, here and throughout the world, and from storms, flood, fire, earthquake, and disease here and elsewhere. May their memory be eternal!
Please remember in your prayers for the living Hope Ciobanita’s daughter Madalena; June Aleshin in hospice care; Alison Cloonan, recovering from a car accident; Joy Chaney, from a stroke; Dennis and Marlene Powell’s infant grandson, Jack, from a heart transplant; Archbishops Nathanael of Detroit and Benjamin of the West; Fr. Paul Harrilchak, from brain surgery; John Outen’s mother Mary and Daria Riegler and Dennis Holovach’s sister Zina, recovering from surgery; Oleg Salcutan’s mother Maria; Mary Riztich, severely developmentally disabled and her mother, Angela; Eva Koenig’s husband’s uncle Herb, from a broken hip; Vicki Hughes with hart difficulties, along with Kate White and Marian Lutai with cancer; Paul Koch’s wife, Karen with lung, heart and kidney trouble; Sophia Klein, Cyprian Lutai Sr., Octavian and Christopher Lutai, Valentina Barbuta, those who suffer from warfare, persecution and terrorism in the Middle East, Ukraine, here and elsewhere, and from storms, flood, fire, earthquake and disease here and elsewhere.
St. Catherine Orthodox Church
433 Liberty St.
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Schedule: Pastor:
Saturday: 6:30 PM—Vespers V. Rev. Dennis Buck
Sunday, 10 AM—Divine Liturgy 825 Harrington Rd.
11:30 AM—Church School Rockville, MD 20852
Confessions Saturday evening or by appointment h)301-424-7730; c) 202-878-2854
Festal: Tuesday, 10 AM—Divine Liturgy
Today is the 14th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 5. 1st Sunday of Luke. Today we commemorate the St. Kyriakos the Hermit, of Palestine..
TROPARIA (T. 5)--Let us, the Faithful, praise and worship the Word,/ co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit,/ born for our salvation from the Virgin;/ for He willed to be lifted upon the cross in the flesh/ to endure death/ and to raise the dead/ by His glorious Resurrection.
(St. Catherine, T. 5)—Let us sing the praise of the renowned Bride of Christ, Catherine, the divine protectress of Sinai, our help and our succor; for she has brilliantly silenced the refinements of the impious by the power of the Spirit; and since she has been crowned as a witnessof the Lord, she craves for all the great mercy.
(St. Kyriakos, T. 1)—Dweller of the desert and angel in the body,/ you were shown to be a wonder-worker, O our God-bearing Father Kyriakos./ You received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil and prayer,/ healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith./ Glory to Him Who gave you strength!/ Glory to Him Who granted you a crown!/ Glory to Him Who through you grants healing to all!
KONTAKIA, (T. 5)—Thou didst descend into hell, O my Savior,/ shattering its gates as Almighty,/ resurrecting the dead as Creator,/ and destroying the sting of death./ Thou hast delivered Adam from the curse, O Lover of man,/ and we all cry to Thee, “O Lord, save us!”
(St. Catherine, T. 2)—Let all of us who love to honor the martyrs/ form a great choir in praise of the most-wise Catherine;/ for she preached Christ and trampled the serpent,/ despising the knowledge of the orators.
Glory…(St. Kyriakos, T. 8)—The sacred Lavra honors you as a mighty champion and helper,/ and yearly celebrates your memory./ As you have boldness before the Lord, preserve us from our enemies/ so that we may sing, “Rejoice, thrice-blessed Father Kyriakos!”
Now and ever…(Theotokos, T. 6)—Steadfast Protectress of Christians, constant advocate before the Creator, do not despise the cries of us sinners; but in your goodness come speedily to help us who call on you in faith. Hasten to hear our petitions and to intercede for us, O Theotokos, for you always protect those who honor you.
PROKEIMENON, (T. 5, Ps. 11)—Thou, O Lord, shall protect us/ and preserve us from this generation forever.
- Save me, O God, for there is no longer any that is godly.
ALLELUIA, (T. 5, Ps. 88)—I will sing of Thy mercies, O Lord, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim Thy truth from generation to generation.
- For Thou hast said: “Mercy will be established forever; Thy truth will be prepared in the heavens.
KOINONIKON (Ps. 148)—Praise the Lord form the havens! Praise Him in the highest! Alleluia!
Monday, 9/30—Martyr Gregory, Bishop of Armenia, with Martyrs Rhipsime, Gaiana and their companions.
Gal. 2:11-16 Luke 6:24-30
Tuesday, 10/1—The Protection of the Theotokos. Apostle of the 70 Ananias. St. Romanos the Melodist. St. John Koukouzelis the Hymnographer of Mt. Athos.
At Vespers: Genesis 28:10-17; Ezekiel 43:27-44:4; Proverbs 9:1-11
Heb. 9:1-7 (Theotokos) Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
Gal. 2:21-3:7 Luke 6:37-45
Wednesday, 10/2—Martyrs Cyprian, Justina and Theoctistos of Nikomedia.
Gal. 3:15-22 Luke 6:46-7:1
Thursday, 10/3—Martyr Dionysios the Areopagite, Bishop of Athens.
Gal. 3:23-4:5 Luke 7:17-30
Friday, 10/4—Martyr Hierotheos, Bishop of Athens
Gal. 4:8-21 Luke 7:31-35
Saturday, 10/5—Martyr Charitina of Amisus. Sts. Peter, Alexis, Jonah, Philip and Hermogenes, Metropolitans of Moscow. Martyr Dionysios, Bishop of Alexandria.
I Cor. 4:17:5:5 Luke 5:27-32
Sunday, 10/6—15th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 6. St. Innocent of Alaska. Apostle Thomas.
Vespers: from Proverbs 10, 3, 8; from Wisdom 4, 5; from Proverbs 10 & Wisdom 6-9
II Cor. 4:6-15 Luke 7:11-16
Heb. 7:26-8:2 (St. Innocent) John 10:9-16
We welcome guests and visitors to St. Catherine’s this morning and we thank God that you ae able to be with us! Please join us in the parish hall following Liturgy and the Thanksgiving prayers for refreshments and fellowship, and please sign the guest book in the rear of church—please include your email address or other contact information and we’ll keep you informed on what is happening in our church. We pray God brings you to us again soon and often!
Church School has begun! Students and teachers should gather in the front of church at the end of Liturgy to venerate the Cross, and they’ll then be dismissed to their classrooms with their teachers while we do announcements. We also need substitute teachers; if you can help, see Fr. Dennis.
Today, the 5th Sunday of the month, is our “Speaker Sunday.” At the end of coffe hour, Tony Lemons wants to share some of his experiences at the Parish Development Forum held in Cleveland in July. There is also a program the Church is sponsoring in preparation for the triannual Council in 2025 which we can introduce today.. Next week, the first Sunday of the month, is our day for adult religious education in which we’ve been discussing the book Beginning to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom). We can finish that and perhaps continue on the program mentioned above.
Divine Liturgy will be offered Tuesday at 10 AM for the feast of the Protection of the Theotokos.
The new instruction class meets Saturday 10/5, at 4:30..
Copies of our newsletter, The Faithful Servant, are available on the candle stand in the rear of church.
Thanks to Koenigs for cleaning this week. Ghercius are up next week. Kate White reads today; Andrew Podolakis up next week. Fr. Dennis supplied prosphora today; Valentina Barbuta is up for next week. We are in need of volunteers, especially for church cleaning, and we’d like to start a rotation for coffee hour clean-up. Anyone who’d like to volunteer to serve in these task rotations, contact Fr. Dennis.
Last night we sang a panikhida for the 40 day memorial of Stafan Theodoru. Also among the departed, we pray for the repose of the soul of the mother of Liviu Achim, Ileana; Bishop Matthias of Chicago; our former catechumen, Lisa Thompson; Hope Ciobanita’s mother-in-law Catinca; Larisa Bulgakova’s son-in-law, Sergei; John Outen’s uncle Roy, his daughter’s father-in-law, Charles, and Thomas; Gabriella Fedeles-Muller’s brother-in-law, Gheorghi; Olga Tolskaya-Talbot’s mother, Ina; those who have perished in war, persecution and terrorism in the Middle East, Ukraine, here and throughout the world, and from storms, flood, fire, earthquake, and disease here and elsewhere. May their memory be eternal!
Please remember in your prayers for the living Hope Ciobanita’s daughter Madalena; June Aleshin in hospice care; Alison Cloonan, recovering from a car accident; Joy Chaney, from a stroke; Dennis and Marlene Powell’s infant grandson, Jack, from a heart transplant; Archbishops Nathanael of Detroit and Benjamin of the West; Fr. Paul Harrilchak, from brain surgery; John Outen’s mother Mary and Daria Riegler and Dennis Holovach’s sister Zina, recovering from surgery; Oleg Salcutan’s mother Maria; Mary Riztich, severely developmentally disabled and her mother, Angela; Eva Koenig’s husband’s uncle Herb, from a broken hip; Vicki Hughes with hart difficulties, along with Kate White and Marian Lutai with cancer; Paul Koch’s wife, Karen with lung, heart and kidney trouble; Sophia Klein, Cyprian Lutai Sr., Octavian and Christopher Lutai, Valentina Barbuta, those who suffer from warfare, persecution and terrorism in the Middle East, Ukraine, here and elsewhere, and from storms, flood, fire, earthquake and disease here and elsewhere.